Monday, November 11, 2019


What made you decide to pitch for Master Pieces?

Since Master Pieces wasn't always an Altrix publication, my participation wasn't necessarily a given in the early days! I'd written "Dark Media" for Nine Lives from Red Ted Books, and had great fun playing with the version of Derek Jacobi's master that appeared opposite Richard E. Grant's "Scream of the Shalka" Doctor. I always like working with people again if I've had fun the first time. Plus, the brief — all Master, no Doctor — was a wicked challenge I had to try.

What are you most proud of about your story?

I always work some mention of tea into any story I write, but this time it's gross and horrific.

Can you give us a little taster of what the readers can expect from your piece?

It's your typical companion origin story: someone feels out of place in their life, until a mysterious time traveller drops into their lives, offers them adventure and excitement, and shows them they're so much more than they think they are. But what happens when that mysterious time traveller is the one who likes to destroy worlds rather than save them?

How did you find the writing process?

I've written and researched the Twelfth Doctor's era a lot, but I've never actually written Missy. Getting her pitch-perfect was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. On the other hand, it was fun watching her attempt the whole "companion" thing. By necessity, she's going to react very differently to meeting someone who's clever,  curious, and motivated. For the Doctor that's a bonus; for the Master it's either a boon or the end of everything, depending on today's scheme.

Where else can we find your work?

Up next from me is Vanishing Tales of the City from Obverse Books - which is the tail end of Obverse's anniversary Sextet. If you like Iris Wildthyme, SeƱor 105, Faction Paradox, any of that, it's in there somewhere. I'm also currently in A Pile of Good Things, an Eleventh Doctor charity anthology headed up by the Master Pieces cover artist, Ginger Hoesly. I'm always doing something on my own blog as well.

What is your favourite Master story?

I've been rewatching The Daemons for research, and it's reminded me how much I love Roger Delgado in that story. I like just about any Delgado-starrer, though.

Who would you like to see cast as the next Master?

Paterson Joseph. I've been rooting for him as a potential Doctor for a while now, but switching sides. Let him have twice the scenery to chew.

Buy your copy of Master Pieces!


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