As promised not long ago, there's a lot on at Altrix Books! If the flurry of information over the last few weeks was a lot, we'll break it down for you.
Thanks to everyone who's bought a copy and who's spread the word about our very first anthology! We've really enjoyed bringing you Q&As from our writers and artists, and may have a few more in the wings now that Kara's back from her trip. If you haven't bought your copy yet, head over to our shop and grab one! We're available in physical and digital format, and all proceeds go to the American Research Center in Egypt.
Master Pieces
As you may have seen, our second charity anthology is gearing up for release very soon. Originally conceived by Scott Claringbold of Red Ted Books, the collection will focus on that other famous renegade Time Lord in all their forms. The cover is in the works, and we look forward to revealing it soon!
You Goes for the Remote
Paul and Kara are teaming up with Watching Books to handle one of their four upcoming essay collections. While this isn't technically an Altrix release, we'd love for our readers to have a look at the submissions page! We'll be handling You Goes for the Remote, a collection of essays on British television. There are also collections about film, literature, and music, headed up by some lovely people, so take a look!
The Chronosmith Chronicles
We know, we know. The longest tease of all. But the pieces are falling into place, and soon we'll have everything we need to tell you what's coming! Our logo will be forthcoming (with a dash of inspiration from the aforementioned trip), along with book titles and the names of the two authors who will be joining us for the Chronosmiths' first "season."
And the Rest...
Yes, believe it or not, there's still more we've not told you. But that's for a later date, once a few things have gone where they need to go. We can't wait to lift the curtain on these... it's turning out to be a packed first year for Altrix!