The Internet is amazing, isn't it? Bit by bit, it makes the world around us a little more accessible. Within our own lifetimes, our reach has increased exponentially, enabling us to meet, befriend, and collaborate with people anywhere in the world.
That's a big part of why Altrix exists, why it functions... and, occasionally, why we have to get a bit creative with how we do our business.
First, a little setup for those of you who haven't known us very long. "We" are Paul Driscoll and Kara Dennison, two writers who collaborated on a charity novel and created an imprint under which to release it. Once the book was done, we fancied doing more... and so Altrix Books became more permanent. We hire and collaborate with other writers, printers, artists, and designers to get our work done, of course. But, at the core, Altrix is Paul and Kara.
The two of us met online, and were introduced mainly for the purposes of writing the book. We don't live near each other at all; Paul is in the northern UK, and Kara is on the East Coast of the US. We have been in the same room before, but for most of the time, we're an ocean and a bit apart making things happen.
At present, Paul handles things that involve numbers—sales, orders, shipping, and the like—and Kara handles social media and online presence. In the future, though, we're hoping to ship out of both the US and UK, to make sure readers have a variety of options when it comes to getting their books.
As for editorial work, we divide that up, too! Both of us handle editing, a pitch to Altrix (as opposed to an anthology overseen by one of us) requires the all-clear from us both, and we divide up editing duties on major projects.
Interested in learning more about us? We'll have more information on our 2019 slate soon, including what each of us has on our personal to-do lists!