Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Chronosmith Chronicles: A Primer Before AFTER VINCENT

As far as we're concerned, you won't have to do anything special to dive straight into the first book of The Chronosmith Chronicles. With After Vincent, Paul Driscoll introduces the team of four to a new readership — which is just about everyone! — and a new universe.

But just in case you'd like a jump start on the series, here are a few places to get started.

Who Are the Chronosmiths?

Hailing from the planet of Percusia, the four Chronosmiths were swept into our universe on the Time Winds in their time machine, the Hexachron. But in the 83rd century Humanian settlement of Kat A, things are very different from back home. For starters, time travel is heavily regulated, and their brand of heroics is frowned upon. But that's not the only difference between our universe and theirs...

Check out previous posts to learn about the team:

Tor Fasa: With his mysterious connection to the Altrix and a repository of super powers yet to be explored, he is the most mysterious of the Chronosmiths.

Kendo: The "face" of the Chronosmiths, a retired politician with big ideas and a love of the upper hand... both of which hide a constant hum of anxiety.

Savalia: The soldier-poet. A war hero with an artistic soul, a keen eye, and a tendency to shoot first (whether she'll ask questions later is variable).

Mordicai: The engineer. He takes pride in his knowledge, creates clever invention, and is overall smarter than he acts... partly because he'd almost have to be.

The Hexachron: The "fifth Chronosmith," the quartet's time machine is much more an active hand in their adventures than they often realize.

What is After Vincent?

The Chronosmiths' adventures in our universe begin with a visit to legendary artist Vincent van Gogh. In the 83rd century, Vincent is worshiped as a god — but there is unrest among the Goghians as a new leader begins changing things. Though initially in the employ of Aliens for Hire, the Chronosmiths change plans: directing their attention to the true story of Vincent, in danger of becoming even more lost under the legends, if not changed forever.

What's next?

green field

From an artist worshiped as a god to a skeleton in a family's closet — Eleanor's Tears by Kara Dennison will see the Chronosmiths encountering a ghost, an intergalactic freelancer, and the people whose job it actually is to keep the timeline tidy. Keep an eye on this site and our social media for news on this and the rest of the books in the series.

Get your copy of After Vincent!

Sunday, March 8, 2020


The Hexachron is taking off at last!

The Chronosmith Chronicles #1: After Vincent is now available to buy from Amazon. The book, written by Altrix co-founder Paul Driscoll, kicks off a new series of adventures for Savalia, Mordicai, Kendo, and Tor Fasa. Last seen in Season of War: Gallifrey, the characters are entering a new universe with a new history, new methods of time travel, and a whole new set of rules for would-be heroes.

Interested news and review sites can email to inquire about a review copy and/or press packet.

>> Interview with Paul Driscoll
>> Purchase After Vincent

Keep an eye on our blog and social media for news on future books in The Chronosmith Chronicles. Book 2, Eleanor's Tears by Kara Dennison, is next in line.