Time is almost up! We're closing submissions for Master Switches, the follow-up to charity anthology Master Pieces, this Friday, January 31.
Check out the submission guidelines for a full briefing on the types of stories we're looking for. In short, where Master Pieces brought us stories of the Master on their own, Master Switches will bring the Doctor into the mix on the back foot.
In our first book, we examined what the Master does when the Doctor is away. Now, we want to know how the Doctor has inadvertently assisted them in their machinations. Like Master Pieces, the Master reigns supreme; unlike Master Pieces, the hero is now in the mix.
A full brief is given in the pitch materials, which you can find linked in the submission guidelines. But a few quick notes:
- Pairing Doctors and Masters from different eras is both allowed and encouraged.
- No multi-Doctor or multi-Master stories.
- Original Masters are allowed, but no original Doctors.
- Doctors and Masters up until the end of Series 10 era will be considered. We will not be publishing material featuring Doctor or Master appearances from Series 11 onward.
Reading Master Pieces is not required to take part in Master Switches; however, should you be interested, copies are now available. You can always pick up a digital copy if you want to read it quickly before you pitch!
Thanks to everyone who's responded so far, and we look forward to seeing what else comes in this week!
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