If you've been following Altrix Books for a while, you'll know that both Paul and Kara have had the pleasure of working on Obverse Books's Black Archive line. For those unfamiliar, The Black Archive is a line of scholarly and critical works tackling individual Doctor Who stories from all eras of its run. The series has received praise from Doctor Who Magazine, Sci-Fi Bulletin, and many other places.
We're pleased to announce that our own Paul Driscoll has been brought on as an editor for the line! What that means for Altrix is... that we're very proud and looking forward to his work on it. While it's a big undertaking, it's not one that's going to upset the Altrix flow.

When The Black Archive started out, the intent was to have a book come out every few months. Philip Purser-Hallard headed up the line solo, in addition to putting out some installments of his own. Paul Simpson was brought on board to assist, and in turn the publishing schedule ramped up considerably. There are now nearly 40 titles out, with 50 and beyond already planned out into 2021.
Paul Driscoll has contributed Black Archives on The God Complex and the 1996 TV Movie, as well as a take on Stranger Things season 1 for the Black Archive's sister line. Readers following the beginning of The Chronosmith Chronicles won't be surprised to hear that, in addition to his new editorial status, Paul will be contributing another installment on Vincent and the Doctor in future.
If somehow our readers haven't delved into The Black Archive (and something tells us it would be of interest to you), now is a good time! Check out their back catalogue and pick something out to enjoy!
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