Monday, December 17, 2018

UNEARTHED: What's to Come?

Hello again from the Altrix offices on both sides of the Atlantic! We hope everyone is having a relatively calm time preparing for the holidays. Both Paul and Kara are recovering from winter illness, but are staying strong as we prepare for 2019!

At present, stories are rolling in for Unearthed, and Kara is editing them and shipping them off to our illustrators as fast as they come in. The spread of styles, topics, and imagery across them is stunning. Some stories are gentle in tone, some downright psychedelic. We can't wait for you to see what our writers have come up with, and to discover some of the newer names in our line-up!

For the sake of transparency, we want to let you know that Kara has given authors an extended deadline so that they can tackle their stories amidst final exams, family gatherings, and (sadly) more winter bugs. This won't be affecting the release date to any great degree, though—we just know this is a rough time of year for unexpected happenings, and want to allow all our writers to have space to tackle those.

To use our time as effectively as possible, we're lining up several phases of production so they can happen bit by bit simultaneously. That means that as soon as the last piece is fitted in (whichever piece that happens to be), we're ready to go to print!

Again, Kara would like to thank everyone who's helped her with this project so far. It's looking to be fun and exciting—and a little bit weird—for all.

We haven't forgotten about the rest of Altrix's work, though! Paul is still working away on a summer charity anthology for Doctor Who fans, and both of us are hard at work writing and planning the trajectory of the first year of The Chronosmith Chronicles. There's a lot coming with the new year!


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