Monday, December 24, 2018

A Warm and Happy Christmas Eve!

2018 has been a big year for both of us at Altrix Books. For one thing... well, we started Altrix Books! Initially meant as a vanity imprint to publish Seasons of War: Gallifrey, Altrix is now an opportunity for us to release some of our own work into the wild, and to introduce you to some wonderful new writers and their worlds.

We'll be checking in next week with a little run-down of what you can expect from us in the coming year. But for today, we wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who's given us a look in. Whether you're Doctor Who fans looking for new worlds to explore, authors seeking a new place to tell your stories, or our friends and family supporting our new endeavors, we're happy to have every single one of you on board!

Sadly, we don't have a present this year—we're working away on books and anthologies for the coming months, so consider that our retroactive gift to you. But if you'd like to take a look in on us during the holidays, here's where to find us:

Paul Driscoll continues to contribute to WhatCulture, and you can check out his contributions on his author page — a must for curious Doctor Who fans! He'll also be back with another analytical work from Obverse Books. Look forward to his book on Netflix's Stranger Things from the newly-launched Silver Archive line in the near future.

Kara Dennison is still working away on her blog. 2019 will see several new books and short stories, but for now you can keep an eye on her contributions to Crunchyroll! You can also see a new Doctor Who story from her in the charity anthology Mild Curiosities.

And we can't forget Ginger Hoesly, the artist behind our amazing covers and logos. You'll be seeing more from her in 2019, too! For now, check out her Etsy for geeky accessories and wearables, send your artsy friends to apply for her Peter Capaldi zine, and download the first book of Owl's Flower (co-created with Kara) for a cozy winter read.

Now, go and enjoy yourselves in whatever festive way you see fit. We'll be back with more next week.


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