Monday, October 14, 2019

Last Call for Unearthed!

Master Pieces is going into its final stages... and that means it's last call for Unearthed!

Our contributors were exceedingly kind in giving of their time and effort to raise funds for the American Research Center in Egypt. To that end, we will not be leaving Unearthed as part of our permanent library. Their stories may appear in other volumes at their discretion, so be sure to keep an eye on your favorite authors from the collection!

Funds so far (plus a little extra on top from us) have already been sent to the ARCE in anticipation of the end of sales. Anything further between now and the end of the run will be sent along as well. So if you've been on the fence, not only is your last chance to grab a copy on the horizon... your purchase will still go toward the charity!

We'll announce the exact date of final sales soon, but for now we can say we'll be closing them out about a week before Master Pieces goes on sale. It'll be announced big on social media so you can't miss it.

For now, get your last orders in!


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