Monday, August 19, 2019

Beyond the Altrix: Digital Monsters and Scary Stories!

Have you been enjoying our look behind the scenes at the stories of Master Pieces? There are a few more to come so keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter accounts! In the meantime, we'd like to bring your attention to a couple of things you may enjoy from our contributors:

Firstly, if there's an anime fan in your family (and there probably is!), don't forget that this is your last day to order Gokigen na Chou! The Digimon anniversary zine features art by 44 artists, including our cover artist Ginger Hoesly. There's also an art piece by her in the zine itself.

You can select from a variety of bundles that include prints and other goodies along with the zine. It's a great gift for a family member or friend who grew up with the show; but after today, it will not be available for sale!

Secondly, our friends over at 18th Wall have released their latest anthology, Sockhopes & Seances. The book features a collection of spooky stories set in the 1950s, including works by our co-founder Kara Dennison, Unearthed artist Sophie Iles, and Spragg Memorial Competition winner Joshua Wanisko. Books are available in print or digital formats.

You can still pick up a copy of Unearthed in our shop, too — and keep an eye out for more this year!


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