Monday, October 8, 2018
Not Last Call, But Approaching
October 08, 2018
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Have you grabbed your copy of Seasons of War: Gallifrey yet? As we approach the end of our stock, we will be winding down promotions and sales, but we want to make sure everyone who wants a copy can get one.
As a reminder, the sales of Gallifrey are uninfluenced by the recent events around Seasons of War, as this book in particular is published and distributed by Altrix Books and we have received no communications concerning ceasing its sales. See our previous blog post for more information on this situation.
Order Seasons of War: Gallifrey here.
In the meantime, we are working on our three next projects. Kara is overseeing Unearthed, which can be expected in early 2019. Paul is completing editing on our next charity anthology, due out in the summer. And both of us are getting The Chronosmith Chronicles into place. In addition to putting together our "show bible," we are introducing some new faces to the cast of characters... including at least one created and designed by our artist, Ginger Hoesly!
More news will be coming soon. Thank you for your support!
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